I’m hiding

I’m fine. I’m in a village near the city, with friends of my ex.
My conscience torments me that I don’t know how to help.
Yesterday we wanted to find out if there is a general chat at the house we are in. We were mistaken for Russians and asked to take a picture of our passports.
Naturally, now they are afraid of looters. They are afraid of Russians disguised in the uniform of our army. Suspicious new accounts are added to shared chats from time to time. People are starting to distrust each other.
A curfew has been announced for the next day and a half, it is impossible to leave the house at all.
We have a supply of food, water and canned food.
My lover and his family are sitting next to dying grandfather. They don’t go to the shelter, they don’t take water and mattresses there. I’m angry, but I’m trying to be supportive. Although it all looks dangerous and stupid.
Mom donated blood at the reception yesterday. She is in a safe area, there are no high-rise buildings and there are other houses around. Only now, older people often read fake news and often they don’t have the skill to check information.
For example, mom didn’t know about the curfew. Now I’m adding her to chats with verified information and trying to explain that posting geolocation on Facebook is a bad idea. Mom says that the sight of the president calms her down, and she does not miss any appeals.
Some people express the opinion that we need to give up, because the victims are not worth fighting for territory.
These people do not understand that the war is going against the dictatorship. That we know what freedom is, unlike Russia.
That the war we are waging concerns the whole world.