Grew Up

War can hurt in different ways, and it kills many people. Rather, I will talk about the difficulties that force you to learn to cope on your own.
The enemy wanted to destroy, but instead made me stronger.
I am not as cool as those who defend us. But comparing to myself last year — it is a big difference.
I still have a part of my personality that sabotages everything.
Such little things that I do unconsciously and they often put me in a weak position. It’s a part of me that believe that I can’t cope.
But I lived almost a year during the war — and I managed. Moved three times. I was constantly looking for solutions, support, communication, work.
So, I can officially say that the war was good for my personal growth and self-confidence.
I don’t recommend it to anyone. War it`s wrong.
But it was like an initiation for me to grow up.